

看了一下子偽證門的新聞,覺得 很想了解事情原委,所以就來找各方 在不同時間點發表的新聞

看了以後就覺得  真的很容易讓人討厭某些人

希望也能幫助大家, 更了解澳洲大賽後  火腿 和麥隊 和Dave 三個人 究竟發生了什麼事情


麥隊4/7新聞稿:要來出庭作證了.. 語氣超和緩

我們今天下午已經收到4/29 在巴黎舉辦的FIA 世界賽車協調會通知


今日下午,我們和麥隊前車隊經理Dave Ryan已經正式的分道揚鑣, 因此,他已經不再是我們McLaren集團中的成員.


4/7 世界賽車協調會 發表  已經請麥隊來巴黎喝咖啡 聊天

Vodafone McLaren Mercedes已經被通知要出席4月29日的會議,並在會議中回答偽證門的相關問題 (Article 151c),其中包括

1.3月29日 假的證詞:車隊沒有告訴車手 不能超越Jarno Trulli.(其實是有的)

2.藉由火腿證實 以上車隊所屬是假的

3. 車隊雖然知道自己所言不實,並造成敵方車隊的不公平待遇,卻也沒有試圖要改正這樣的情況,或是聯繫FIA

4. 在第二次聽證會中,還堅持自己所言屬實,




火腿4/3 記者會:我不是騙子  都是車隊的錯

Lewis Hamilton

在賽道管理者作出宣判後,世界冠軍火腿堅稱自己並非"不誠實" 一切都是Dave Ryan 建議他隱瞞資訊

這位英國人表示,"我並不是騙子 也不是不誠實的人, 這個偽證門 肯定是我一生最糟糕的事情"

(已在車隊貢獻35年的Dave Ryan,也已經被解除職務了)

車隊和火腿被指出,在星期天針對賽道管理員的聽證會中,提出"刻意誤導"的證據,導致Jarno Trulli被罰25秒,也因此退到第12位

但在發現車隊和車手刻意提出誤導性的證據後,賽道管理員決定要還Jarno Trulli清白,還他第3位

火腿也被發現,雖然他告訴賽事管理者說,沒有接受指令要讓Jarno Trulli超車,但事實上,卻是個謊言



"但我覺得很愧疚和不舒服, 而且我發現我錯了,我完全被誤導了"

這件事最受影響的就是Dave Ryan,他也因此在週五馬來西亞練習賽就被送回家了

車隊管理者Whitmarsh表示"Ryan在整個過程並沒有完全的誠實,這也讓車隊沒有後路,一定要送他走路; 我知道他並不是刻意要誤導賽事管理員,只是他在聽證會的過程中,並不像往常一樣思緒清晰,他犯了嚴重的錯誤,現在, 也為此付出代價"


FIA發言人表示:我們現在正在等待更多的資料報告,來進行後續針對車隊的調查,我們不會排除未來將這件事送交World motor Sport Council處理的可能






車隊4/3 聲明稿: 我不是原兇  都是Dave的錯   解除Dave Ryan車隊經理職務

今天早上,我們已將Dave Ryan解除車隊經理的職務(找到切割點了)

Whitmarsh表示:再我在車隊的二十年以來,從沒看到一個比Dave Ryan更投入的人,他從1974年加入車隊到現在,一直扮演整合性的角色,在車隊拿冠軍的過程,也扮演相當重要的角色



麥隊4/2 聲明稿:死不認錯 找藉口

 FIA重新審查3月29日澳洲大賽的決定後,將Lewis Hamilton從第三名移除.

我們了解,FIA是經過重新審查Team Radio後作的決定..

但對我們而言,誤以為(Mistakenly)FIA已經重新審查過3月29日當天的Team Radio,因此,在作證的時候才會認為沒有必要再將相關證據提出討論.



FIA 4/2發表聲明稿表示遭麥隊誤導


在第一次的判決時,Stewards並沒有得到足夠的對話紀錄 也沒有從媒體端蒐集任何火腿會後採訪的資料

從影像紀錄來看,像是Jarno Trulli違反規定,因為他的車子離開軌道後,由火腿超前到第三位,然後Jarno Trulli再超車搶回第三位

在賽後一小時舉辦的聽證會中,賽事管理者(Stewards)比較質疑的部分是,Dave Ryan有沒有下指令給火腿,要他讓位給Jarno Trulli.而火腿和Dave Ryan都表示,並沒有這樣的指令.賽事總監(Race Director)特別還問火腿,你是否有刻意讓位給Jarno Trulli.而火腿則表示並沒有這樣.


a.賽後火腿在前往聽證會之前,的確是有告訴媒體說,車隊有要他讓位給Jarno Trulli.

b.火腿和車隊之間的Team Radio顯示,至少有兩個明確的指令,是要火腿讓位給Jarno Trulli.

賽事管理者在聽到Team Radio和媒體採訪內容後,強烈地感受到被車手和車隊誤導,而導致Jarno Trulli承受不明之冤

以下是Team Radio的對談紀錄:

Team: 好的,Lewis,你必須確保你的第四位並沒有超越安全車界線,超越也沒關係,但是千萬不可以超車,不可以超車

Lewis Hamilton: Toyota在第二彎已經跑離線道了,這可以超越嗎?


LH: 他跑離賽道了,他跑寬了.

Team: Lewis,你必須讓Toyota超越,現在就讓位給Toyota


LH: 他就在我前面慢了下來.Team: OK,Lewis,保持在前面,保持在前面,我們很快就會回覆你了,我們現在正在跟Charlie通話

LH: 我已經讓他超越了.

Team: OK, Lewis.這沒關係,這沒關係,保持現在的位置,保持現在的位置

LH: 告訴Charlie我已經讓位給他了,我剛剛讓他超越我了.

Team: 我了解了,我們正在確認,現在,我們可以Yellow Golf 5

LH: 我沒有必要讓他超越我,如果他犯錯,我應該有機會拿回第三位

Team: 是的,我們了解,我們正在問Charlie,你在第四位.請保持

Team: 好的Lewis,你的KERS已經集滿氣了.請注意這一點,你可以回到Black Foxtrott 2

LH: 有任何來自Charlie的消息嗎,我可以超越Jarno Trulli嗎?.

Team: 還在等回覆,Lewis,還在等回覆

Team: Lewis, 請加強你的煞車,前方煞車溫度冷了.

Team: 如果我們可以使用KERS將會很好,如果可以,現在就用他.

Team: OK, Lewis, 這是最後一圈了,Safety Car將會進去,保持現在的位置不要超車,不要超車,我們將會注意Jarno Trulli的事件.請保持現在的位置

 (PS. Charlie Whiting 小常識:他是F1技術部門的主管,負責每一場比賽的各項作業,也包括車輛檢查,執行FIA規定等等.是相當重要的人)




4/7 McLaren Statement

McLaren acknowledges receipt of an invitation to appear at an FIA World Motor Sport Council meeting in Paris on April 29, received this afternoon.

We undertake to co-operate fully with all WMSC processes, and welcome the opportunity to work with the FIA in the best interests of Formula 1.

This afternoon McLaren and its former sporting director, Dave Ryan, have formally parted company. As a result, he is no longer an employee of any of the constituent companies of the McLaren Group.


4/7 WMSC Statement

Vodafone McLaren Mercedes has been invited to appear before an extraordinary meeting of the FIA World Motor Sport Council in Paris on Wednesday, 29 April, 2009, to answer charges that, in breach of Article 151c of the International Sporting Code, it

·     on 29 March, 2009, told the stewards of the Australian Grand Prix that no instructions were given to Hamilton in Car No. 1 to allow Trulli in Car no. 9 to pass when both cars were behind the safety car, knowing this statement to be untrue;


·     procured its driver Hamilton the current World Champion, to support and confirm this untrue statement to the stewards;


·     although knowing that as a direct result of its untrue statement to the stewards, another driver and a rival team had been unfairly penalised, made no attempt to rectify the situation either by contacting the FIA or otherwise;


·     on 2 April, 2009, at a second hearing before the stewards of the Australian Grand Prix, (meeting in Malaysia) made no attempt to correct the untrue statement of 29 March but, on the contrary, continued to maintain that the statement was true, despite being allowed to listen to a recording of the team instructing Hamilton to let Trulli past and despite being given more than one opportunity to correct its false statement;


·     on 2 April, 2009, at the second stewards' hearing, procured its driver Hamilton to continue to assert the truth of the false statement given to the stewards on 29 March, while knowing that what he was saying to the stewards was not true.

4/3 Hamilton Press Conference

World champion Lewis Hamilton insists he is not "dishonest" after being disqualified from the Australian Grand Prix for misleading race stewards.

He claims Dave Ryan, McLaren's sporting director, had instructed him to "withhold information".

"I'm not a liar or a dishonest person," said the Englishman, who added the affair had definitely been "the worst thing I've experienced in my life".

Ryan, who has been with McLaren for 35 years, has been suspended by the team.

I just wanted to tell of what happened and I was misled. I want to say sorry to all my fans

Lewis Hamilton

McLaren and Hamilton, 24, were found by the FIA, motorsport's world governing body, to have given stewards "deliberately misleading" evidence in a post-race hearing on Sunday.

That evidence led to race stewards handing Toyota's Jarno Trulli a 25-second penalty for passing Hamilton behind the safety car, demoting the Italian from third to 12th.

But after discovering that Hamilton and Ryan had provided inaccurate information about the incident, the FIA subsequently stripped Hamilton of his podium finish and reinstated Trulli to third.

Hamilton had told stewards he had not been told to allow Trulli to pass him when the opposite was true, a fact borne out by team radio transmissions.

"I could not tell you how sorry I am for the embarrassment," Hamilton, the youngest driver to become world champion, told a news conference after his opening practice sessions in Sepang on Friday.

"I sincerely apologise to the race stewards for wasting their time and making them look silly.

"When I went into the meeting, I had no intention (to lie). I just wanted to tell my story and see what happened. I was misled and that's just how it went.

"I want to say sorry to all my fans. I am not a liar or a dishonest person, I am a team player. If the team ask me to do something, I generally do it.

But I felt awkward and uncomfortable.

"This is not an easy thing to do, to step back and realise I was in the wrong. But I was in the wrong, I was misled."

The fallout for McLaren has been significant, with senior official Ryan, who accompanied Hamilton to both hearings with race stewards on Sunday in Melbourne, sent home from practice in Malaysia on Friday.

McLaren team boss Martin Whitmarsh said Ryan had not been "entirely full and truthful with the answers he gave" to the stewards and had left the team with "no alternative but to suspend him".

Whitmarsh added: "He did not set out with a deliberate intention to mislead, but during the course of the meeting he was not as clear as he should have been.

"He made a very serious error of judgement and is paying the consequences for that."

"We cannot rule out the matter being referred to the World Motor Sport Council."

Former team owner Eddie Jordan told BBC Sport the incident could affect Hamilton's future with the McLaren team.

"There was a lot of talk before the season started about 'will Lewis stay at McLaren?'," he said. "This could be the very action that may start that dialogue and those rumours again.

"This will have the rumour-mongers going because we heard over the Christmas period that Hamilton was not happy about certain things that have happened.

"He certainly is not going to be happy with the car because it is not competitive enough."


4/3 McLaren Statement

This morning, Dave Ryan was suspended from his position as sporting director of the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes team.

Team principal Martin Whitmarsh said: “In my 20-odd years working for McLaren, I doubt if I’ve met a more dedicated individual than Davey. He's been an integral part of McLaren since 1974 and has played a crucial role in the team’s many world championship successes since that time.

“However, his role in the events of last Sunday, particularly his dealings with the FIA stewards, has caused serious repercussions for the team, for which we apologise. Therefore, I suspended him this morning and he has accepted this.”


4/2 McLaren Statement: It’s not my fault.

The FIA Stewards have reviewed their decision of Sunday 29th March 2009, and have excluded Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton from the results of the 2009 Australian Grand Prix.

Vodafone McLaren Mercedes understands that the Stewards made their decision on the basis of reviewing radio transmissions between the driver and the Team.

The Team mistakenly believed that the radio transmissions had been reviewed by the FIA on Sunday 29th March 2009, and consequently did not believe it was necessary to discuss them with the Stewards on that date.

Nonetheless, the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes Team now regrets that it did not do so, accepts the Stewards' decision and will not appeal.


4/2 FIA statement: I was misled by McLaren.


At the first hearing following the Australian Grand Prix the Stewards did not have the benefit of the radio exchanges between driver No 1 Lewis Hamilton and his Team Vodafone McLaren Mercedes nor did they have access to the comments to the Media given by Lewis Hamilton immediately after the end of the race.

From the video recordings available to the Stewards during the hearing it appeared that Jarno Trulli’s car left the track and car No 1 moved into third place. It then appeared that Trulli overtook Hamilton to regain third place, which at the time was prohibited as it was during the Safety Car period.

During the hearing, held approximately one hour after the end of the race, the Stewards and the Race Director questioned Lewis Hamilton and his Team Manager David Ryan specifically about whether there had been an instruction given to Hamilton to allow Trulli to overtake. Both the driver and the Team Manager stated that no such instruction had been given. The Race Director specifically asked Hamilton whether he had consciously allowed Trulli to overtake. Hamilton insisted that he had not done so.

The new elements presented to the Stewards several days after the 2009 Australian Grand Prix which led to the reconvened Stewards Meeting clearly show that:

a. Immediately after the race and before Lewis Hamilton attended the Stewards Meeting he gave an interview to the Media where he clearly stated that the Team had told him to let Trulli pass.

b. Furthermore, the radio exchanges between the driver and the Team contain two explicit orders from the Team to let the Toyota pass.

The Stewards, having learned about the radio exchanges and the Media interview, felt strongly that they had been misled by the driver and his Team Manager which led to Jarno Trulli being unfairly penalised and Lewis Hamilton gaining third place.

Transcript of the radio transmission between Lewis Hamilton and his team:

Team: OK Lewis, you should need to make sure your delta is positive over the safety car line. After the safety car line the delta doesn’t matter but no overtaking. No overtaking.

Lewis Hamilton: The Toyota went off in a line at the second corner, ..., is this OK?

Team: Understood, Lewis. We’ll confirm and get back to you.

LH: He was off the track. He went wide.

Team: Lewis, you need to allow the Toyota through. Allow the Toyota through now.


LH: He’s slowed right down in front of me.

Team: OK, Lewis. Stay ahead for the time being. Stay ahead. We will get back to you. We are talking to Charlie.

LH: I let him past already.

Team: OK, Lewis. That’s fine. That’s fine. Hold position. Hold position.

LH: Tell Charlie I already overtook him. I just let him past.

Team: I understand Lewis. We are checking. Now can we go to yellow G 5, yellow Golf 5.

LH: I don’t have to let him past I should be able to take that position back, if he made a mistake.

Team: Yes, we understand Lewis. Let’s just do it by the book. We are asking Charlie now. You are in P4. If you hold this position. Just keep it together.

Team: OK Lewis, your KERS is full, your KERS is full. Just be aware. You can go back to black F2, black Foxtrott 2.

LH: Any news from Charlie whether I can take it back or not.

Team: Still waiting on a response Lewis, still waiting.

Team: Lewis, work on your brakes please. Front brakes are cold.

Team: If we are able to use one KERS that would be good. If you deploy KERS please do so now.

Team: OK, Lewis, this is the last lap of the race. At the end of the lap the safety car will come in, you just proceed over the line without overtaking, without overtaking. We are looking into the Trulli thing, but just hold position.


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